Fish Crow Roost: week of July 26, 2020
Sun. July 26, 2020: partly cloudy, wind SW 8MPH, 83F: sunset time 8:11PM Observation details: initial vantage point along [...]
Sun. July 26, 2020: partly cloudy, wind SW 8MPH, 83F: sunset time 8:11PM Observation details: initial vantage point along [...]
Monday, July 20, 2020: clear skies, bright sun, wind SW 16MPH, gusts to 21MPH, temp 92F; sunset time 8:16PM [...]
Observation details: start time 5:45PM, observed mostly Fish Crows, with active vocalizations, for almost 2 hours from along [...]
Observation details: start time 7:45PM, observed mostly Fish Crows, along with a few American Crows, with active [...]