In this episode we explored John’s academic background with birds; his leadership roles with major ornithological groups, and his latest book, The Petersen Reference Guide to Bird Behavior.


We explored John’s amazing background with first becoming interested in birds, and then on to ecology, natural history, and evolution. John shared insights on pursuing his Ph.D. and quickly becoming  a full professor in biology at Wheaton College. John discussed his leadership roles with many major birding associations and ornithological groups, including the American Birding Association, Association of Field Ornithologists, Wilson Ornithological Society, and the Nuttall Ornithological Club. Finally he went into details on how the idea of a book about bird behavior became a reality, and was recently published as part of the well known Petersen Reference Guide series. John shares his thoughts on overall bird behaviors and then details around the remarkable dynamics and interactions of Crows in the midst of communal winter roosts.


JOHN KRICHER is Professor Emeritus of Biology at Wheaton College, Norton, MA, where for 48 years he taught ecology, ornithology, and vertebrate evolution. He is a Fellow in the American Ornithologists Union and is past president of the Association of Field Ornithologists, the Wilson Ornithological Society, and the Nuttall Ornithological Club. He has served on the board of the American Birding Association.

CRAIG GIBSON is a bird conservation photographer. His current focus is on expanding awareness about the Winter Crow Roost located in Lawrence, MA. Craig has well over 300 documented observation nights tracking and documenting this crow roost. He leads many group tours and has made numerous presentations and talks. Craig designed and launched a blog and this podcast about the Winter Crow Roost and continues to oversee all editorial content. He has also been the lead on initiating and coordinating a range of activities and events with local arts, education, and community groups as well as working with a growing number of conservation and environmental organizations. He wrote and published a comprehensive 14-page report to recap the 2018-2019 winter season, and a comprehensive guide about roost photography at night. His efforts have raised much greater awareness about the Winter Crow Roost in Lawrence, MA, and he has been a catalyst for a range of new community science initiatives.

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