Select a link below for further reading
Emlen J. T. Jr. 1940. The midwinter distribution of the crow in California. Condor 42:287–294.
Godman, J. 1833. Rambles of a Naturalist. Philadelphia: Thomas T. Ash—Key and Biddle, p.
122. [Originally published in The Friend: A Religious and Literary Journal. Philadelphia: The Religious Society of Friends.]
Hunt, C.; 1906, Change of Location of a Crow Roost, the Auk, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 429-431
Kalmbach, E.R.; Winter Crow Roosts, 1915, U.S. Dept of Agriculture Yearbook, pp. 83-100
Stone, W.; 1899, A Search for the Reedy Island Crow Roost, Bird-Lore, Vol.1, No.6, pp. 177-180
Townsend, C.W., 1918, A Winter Crow Roost, The Auk, 35(4): 405–416. DOI: 10.2307/4073214.
Veit, R. R., and W. R. Petersen. 1993. Birds of Massachusetts. Lincoln: Mass Audubon.
Wilson, A. 1811. American Ornithology, Vol. IV, pp. 82–84. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep.