Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Roost: A Great Multitude of Crows!

Crows converging into roost! Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 under clear skies, wind SE 5 MPH, temp at 62F; sunset time 5:34PM. Out on Crow Patrol with scouting visits along Merrimack Street observing late arriving incoming flight streams, many landing atop the warehouse roof, and others continuing to the east. This image captured about 18 minutes after sunset [...]

November 3rd, 2022|

Crow Roost numbers jump!

Oct. 27, 2022: clear skies, wind NW 12MPH gusts 17MPH, temp 57F; sunset time 5:44PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting visits along Merrimack Street on both sides of the Casey Bridge with incoming flight streams and Crows building up in multiple nearby perch locations.  Moved over to Mill240 park with views up and down Merrimack River [...]

October 27th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: numbers growing!

Monday, October 18, 2022: heavy overcast skies with light rain, wind E 10MPH, temp at 56F; sunset time 5:59PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial observations about 30 minutes before sunset of Crows arriving and staging atop the brick Everett Mills building. The Crows lined along the west side roof edge and around the outside clock. Built in 1909, [...]

October 17th, 2022|

Parthum School 3rd Graders: Crow Holiday in Lawrence!

What a terrific surprise to find this email message in my inbox on Thursday night! Hi Craig, I wanted to share some amazing news. As part of our crow unit, some students wrote a letter to the mayor petitioning for a crow holiday!  Well, their request went all the way to City Hall. On Tuesday night, students attended the [...]

June 15th, 2022|

Crow Roost: the summer gang

Friday, June 10, 2022: Clear skies, wind W 8 MPH, temp at 71F; sunset time 8:22PM Out on summer Crow Patrol along Merrimack and South Canal Streets observing the Crows in early staging mode. This time of year, the area is filled with younger non-breeding Crows. They tend to arrive in the final staging areas much earlier than at [...]

June 10th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: lower numbers!

March 30, 2022: mostly cloudy, wind SW 6MPH, 47F; sunset time 7:08PM Out on Crow Patrol with brief  15 minute stop along Marston Street to observe Crows converging into overnight roost trees at the corner of Marston and Prospect Streets. Walked around the side on NE side of the corner with looks straight up at groups of Crows densely [...]

March 30th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: big winds

March 13, 2022: clear skies, wind SW 13MPH, gusts 22MPH, temp 34F; sunset time 6:49PM Out on Crow Patrol with main action along in the treetops along the hillside on Prospect Street opposite 38 Prospect Street brick building. By 15 minutes after sunset time, the Crows came streaming into the tree tops and started to settle in with raucous [...]

March 13th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: Airport to roost!

Crows arriving the roost! March 10, 2022: mostly cloudy, calm: sunset time 5:45PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop atop baseball field on Incinerator Road with views to the east and towards staging Crows around the extended airport and above the downslope to the Merrimack River. Image below at just over 30 minutes before sunset time. [...]

March 10th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: Crows in the Snow!

March 9, 2022: heavy overcast skies with snow, fog, visibility 3/4 mile, wind N at 5MPH, 32F; sunset time 5:43PM Out on Crow Patrol with stops in the hospital parking lot, atop Prospect Hill, and back along west side of Prospect Street. This view is from General Street looking to the east and skyward as the Crow settled in [...]

March 9th, 2022|

Winter Crow Roost: flight bursts!

Sensational flight bursts! Conditions: clear skies, wind W at 6MPH, 41F; sunset time 5:35PM Out on Crow Patrol along Marston Street with Crows streaming in over Marston and Prospect Streets towards the top of Prospect Hill, with one congested flight wave after another arriving from the south out over the Merrimack River. This image below almost 20 [...]

March 2nd, 2022|
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