Crow Patrol walk & talk with MRWC friends!
Tues. Jan. 18, 2022: clear skies, wind W 14MPH, gusts 26MPH, temp 25F, wind chill 13F; sunset time 4:39PM The Merrimack River Watershed Council hosted a very enjoyable for members and friends tonight. This outing took place one week after the online webinar. Minutes before joining the assembled group, we made a number of quick scouting stops north of [...]
Winter Crow Roost: Full Moon & Bloody Brook!
Full Moon Rising!! Jan. 16, 2022: mostly clear skies, wind SE 3MPH, temp at 25F; sunset time 4:37 PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting stops by Holy Family Hospital, along East Street, and then Incinerator Road with very little Crow flight activity seen. Moved to the hospital area with excellent views to the west and [...]
Winter Crow Roost: the Spicket River!
The Roost after dark! Jan. 15, 2022: clear skies, wind NW 14MPH gusts 23MPH, temp at 10F, wind chill -5F; sunset time 4:36PM Out on Crow Patrol with scouting stops around north end of Prospect Hill area. Many flight streams seen heading towards the east side of Holy Family Hospital. After driving around many streets in this [...]
Winter Crow Roost: back of hospital campus!
Jan. 13, 2022: Clear skies, calm, temp at 37F; sunset time 4:34 PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at baseball field on Incinerator Road to scan for incoming flight streams; major streams seen coming in from the NE and S towards west side of Prospect Hill. Moved to lower Prospect Street area, by the hospital, and observed [...]
MRWC: The Crow Show 2022 Webinar
On Tuesday night, Jan. 11, 2022, the Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC) hosted an informative webinar, "The Crow Show 2022." The Merrimack River, at 117 miles in length, drains a watershed of 5,000 square miles that sustains a population of over 2.5 million people! The MRWC aims to improve and conserve the Merrimack River watershed for people and wildlife through [...]
Winter Crow Roost: flight bursts from the roost!
Settling into the overnight roost! Jan. 6, 2022: mostly clear skies, wind W at 3MPH, 33F; sunset time 4:26PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop by the water tower and Storrow Park with Crows streaming and in and perching, but in light numbers; after observing flight streams that seemed to divert to the east, we moved [...]
Winter Crow Roost: staging in Storrow Park
Timelapse: crows settling into roost! Jan. 3, 2022: overcast skies, wind N at 8MPH, temp at 24F; sunset time 4:23PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at the baseball field atop Incinerator Road. This location provides an almost 360 degree view of the extended area. We were able to see numerous flight streams approaching the Prospect [...]
Winter Roost: roost continues by hospital!
Dec. 23, 2021: clear skies, wind W 10MPH, temp at 30F; sunset time 4:15PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops in the Immaculate Conception Cemetery where the Crows are known to use as a smaller staging area. We observed over 300 Crows about 30 minutes before sunset time. The image below was captured after entering Immaculate Conception and [...]
Crow Roost: staging Prospect Hill, roosting by hospital!
Dec. 21, 2021: clear skies, calm, 36F; sunset time 4:14PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting all around Prospect Hill as Crows were starting to stream in from all directions. This first image was captured right at sunset time. It shows a smaller group of about 75 Crows streaming in towards the staging area. After checking many locations [...]
2021 CBC Crow Count; Great Horned Owl?
Dec. 18, 2021: heavy overcast skies, snow, mist, fog, 1/2 mile visibility, calm, 33F; sunset time 4:12PM 2021 CBC Crow Count for the Andover Circle listed below! As Geoff LeBaron, Director of the National Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC), commented on in a recent Massbird email..."Tis the season!" We were out this afternoon under gritty conditions for the 2021 [...]