Great Horned Owl in the roost!
Great Horned Owl lands in middle of overnight crow roost! During a Crow Patrol outing on Sat. Dec. 11, we placed a small time lapse camera in the tree in the back section of the overnight crow roost. The camera was set up facing south with views of the roost, the Merrimack River below, the tress along [...]
Crow Roost: shift in staging areas?
Dec. 12, 2021: clear skies, wind W at 10MPH, 43F; sunset time at 4:11PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at the baseball field located on Incinerator Road in Lawrence, by the Essex County Pre-Release Center. Over 500 Crows were seen assembling in the trees to the NE, on the east side of the Merrimack River, and then [...]
Crow Patrol presents at 2021 TWS Conference!
The Wildlife Society (TWS) recently hosted its 2021 Conference and extended an invitation to the Crow Patrol to participate! The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of wildlife professionals and supporters in North America. For more than 25 years, TWS has hosted this unique and informative event that provides endless networking opportunities through working groups, [...]
Winter Crow Roost at Rt. 495 Bridge
Dec. 4, 2021: clear skies, wind SW 8 MPH, temp at 39F; sunset time 4:11PM Out on Crow Patrol along the south side of the mighty Merrimack River behind the dance studio. Crows seen streaming in overhead from the west, along with large numbers assembling and staging in trees along the south shore line on the west side of [...]
Crow Roost after dark!
Nov. 20, 2021; clear skies after dark, wind SE 5MPH, temp at 40F; sunset time 4:17PM Out on later Crow Patrol to confirm recent observations that the roost has consolidated again into one single location east of Rt. 495 O'Reilly Bridge. Views from south side of the Merrimack River starting at 1.5 hours after sunset with over 4,000 Crows [...]
Roost: streaming towards the roost
Crows in the roost after dark! Mon. Nov. 15, 2021: mostly cloudy, wind W at 10MPH, 42F, sunset time 4:21PM Out on Crow Patrol and scouting out staging locations along Sutton Street in North Andover all the way up to the airport. Over 550 Crows are seen in this image below gathering in the western section of [...]
Winter Crow Roost: back to one roost!
Crows settling in and then after dark! Nov. 14, 2021: overcast skies, wind SW 6MPH, temp at 47F; sunset time 4:22PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting stops all along Sutton Street in North Andover while looking for Crow concentrations in staging areas. Only found small gatherings of Crows, including a group on the west side [...]
Winter Crow Roost: Counting Quiz!
Crow Counting Quiz #1! One aspect of this Crow roosting phenomenon is counting the large number of crows using the roost. By obtaining accurate and reliable numbers, biologists can better track changes in the size of winter crow populations, follow the timing and extent of winter migration, pin down specific roost locations each winter and over time, [...]
Crow Roosts: night vision optics!
Nov. 10, 2021: clear skies, wind NW 8 MPH, temp 54F; sunset time 4:26PM Out on Crow Patrol after dark with first stop on north side of Merrimack River on both side of Mill240 building to observe Crows already settled in the roost. More than 125 Crows in this image, were perched in trees to the west of the [...]
Winter Crow Roosts: both locations after dark!
Nov. 8, 2021: clear skies, calm, temp at 55F; sunset time 4:28PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops along Merrimack Street near the Casey Bridge, and then up to the top of the McGovern parking garage. Great views looking westward at both the incoming flight stream of Crows, as well as Crows gathering on the ground, railroad tracks, [...]