Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: numbers growing!

Sept. 30, 2021: mostly cloudy, wind W at 6MPH, temp at 58F; sunset time 6:27PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop around the south end of the Casey Bridge with Crows arriving into this regular staging area. In this location, it was mostly Fish Crows based on vocalizations. Once again, the Crows were seen perched in tight formation [...]

September 30th, 2021|

More Fish Crow staging action

Sept. 27, 2021: mostly cloudy, wind S at 5MPH, temp 69F Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops along east end of Merrimack Street, then heading westward with little action. Headed to top of the McGovern parking garage and observed a dribble of Crows starting to stream in, with a small group assembling at the west end of B&D [...]

September 27th, 2021|

Staging Fish Crows

Staging Fish Crows! Sept. 23, 2021: mostly clear skies, wind E at 7MPH, temp at 77F Out on Crow Patrol making a number of stops by recent staging areas with no luck. Then, observed Crows in flight towards south end of Casey Bridge, and discovered well over 150 Fish Crows along with a few American Crows. They [...]

September 23rd, 2021|

Staging Fish Crows on Merrimack Street

Tues. Sept 21, 2021: clear skies, wind SE 5MPH, 71F; sunset time 6:43PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along Island Street with small numbers of Fish Crows based on vocalizations. After watching a 15-20 Crows fly over the Merrimack River, next stop was by the NXStage building with a over 75 Fish Crows on the ground and [...]

September 21st, 2021|

Mill240 Roof Deck!

Mon. Sept 20, 2021 : clear skies, wind SE 6MPH, temp at 67F; sunset time 6:45PM, moonrise 7:03PM Out on Crow Patrol with a visit to the roof deck at Mill240 with sweeping 270 degrees views. Crows were seen streaming in from the west and south. The initial staging area was on nearby rooftops at the south end of [...]

September 20th, 2021|

Crow Roost: Fish Crows eating berries!

Conditions: clear skies, wind NW 9MPH, temp at 76F; sunset time 6:57PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along Merrimack Street west of the Casey Bridge with Fish Crows gathering on the ground, rooftops, and utility lines. The Fish Crows seem to assemble in a separate staging area and are usually found mulling around on the ground in [...]

September 13th, 2021|

Summer Crow Roost: lots of action!

Conditions: clear skies, wind W at 7MPH, temp at 80F; sunset time 7:20PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial observations from south end of Casey Bridge along Merrimack Street by Helfrich Brothers. Crows were streaming in and landing on the ground, rooftops, and along utility wires on south side of Merrimack Street. Below is an image of the Crows [...]

August 31st, 2021|

Summer Crows!

This video shows Crows feeding on cracked corn Conditions: clear skies, wind NW 3 MPH, temp at 89F: sunset time 7:30PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop by the truck depot located on South Canal Street. Crows started to arrive in small numbers around 5:45, with many landing on the ground and in nearby trees at [...]

August 25th, 2021|

Summer Crows numbers growing!

Time lapse video: Crows mulling around and feeding on cracked corn! Clear skies, wind SW at 8MPH, 81F, sunset time 7:42PM Out on Crow Patrol along South Canal Street and truck depot area with great staging action before Crows converged into overnight roost. Mostly American Crows with some Fish Crows. There were endless vocalizations during staging time. [...]

August 17th, 2021|

NENHC2021 Video Festival!

FIRST PLACE: OBSERVATIONAL FOOTAGE The 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference was held virtually in conjuntion with the Wilson Ornithological Society's Annual Meeting and the Association of Field Ornithologists' Annual Meeting NENHC 2021 NATURAL HISTORY VIDEO FESTIVAL OBSERVATIONAL FOOTAGE CATEGORY FIRST PLACE: THE CROW PATROL WINTER CROW ROOST: AN AMAZING AVIAN SPECTACLE It’s hard to believe that two [...]

July 14th, 2021|
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