Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Staging Fish Crows

Young Fish Crows staging before overnight roost! June 17, 2021: clear skies, wind W at 7MPH, temp at 76F Observed mostly young summer Fish Crows with small numbers of young American Crows around truck depot area, nearby rooftops, and utility lines, and in trees along south side of Merrimack River. This Fish Crow was seen atop of [...]

June 18th, 2021|

Lawrence High School Students: Career Day!

Lawrence Students Learn About Crow Roost During Career Day Lawrence High School students who are enrolled in the Practical Academics 1 Program and Practical Academics Post-Graduate Program participated via Zoom in Career Day, which featured Craig Gibson of the Crow Patrol. “We initiated the Career Day Program to bring community members into the class on Zoom, every Friday, to [...]

June 9th, 2021|

Crow Roost: numbers dwindle to low point!

Conditions: mostly clear skies, gentle winds, temp at 62F; sunset time 7:57PM Out on Crow Patrol along south side of Merrimack River just east of the Rt. 495 Bridge. Initial sightings were made of Crows streaming past, downriver, to gather in staging areas well before sunset time. At 8 minutes after sunset time, the first wave of Crows were [...]

May 12th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: staging at Barker’s Farm!

Conditions: clear skies, wind S at 7MPH, temp at 49F; sunset time 6:53PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at Barker's Farm in North Andover. Crows observed mulling around and foraging in open farm fields about 1.75 miles from the overnight roost. Next stop along Incinerator Road with views towards the airport and downriver, with many Crows going [...]

March 19th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: swarm over Rt. 495!

Conditions: mostly clear skies, wind NW 22MPH, gusts 36MPH, temp at 32F, wind chill 19F; sunset time 6:50PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along Incinerator Road and the baseball field with crows seen in staging mode with high winds about 13 minutes before sunset time. Next stop along south side of Merrimack River with views up and [...]

March 14th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: before dawn!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind S 6MPH, temp at 36F: sunrise time 6:03PM Out on dawn Crow Patrol with Crows waking up typically about 90 minutes before sunrise time. The vocalizations start with a murmur and build up to very loud levels before dispersal time. The action around the roost, from the south side of the Merrimack River was cranked [...]

March 11th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: all calm after dark!

Dazzling flight action before entering roost! Conditions: clear skies, wind SE 7MPH, 51F; sunset time 5:45PM Out on Crow Patrol along south side of Merrimack River with Crows seen in flight moving downriver and towards extended airport area. It became all quiet just before and after 6PM until the first scouting squadrons started to arrive at 6:03PM. [...]

March 10th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: flight frenzy!!

Conditions: mostly clear skies, wind W at 8MPH, temp at 31F, sunset time 5:40PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along Incinerator Road. Crows were seen streaming in, romping around in playful flight, and perching in trees on both sides of the Merrimack River. Many more Crows were seen up on the flat level ground at west end [...]

March 6th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: loud vocalizations!

Conditions: clear skies, wind W 20MPH, gusts 36MPH, temp at 25F, wind chill 11F; sunset time 5:35PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop again along Incinerator Road and baseball fields. Crows seen staging in trees along Marston Street between Dunkin and Commonwealth Motors, and also on the ground on north side of the Essex County Pre-Release Center. Moved [...]

March 2nd, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: massive flight swirls!!

Conditions: mostly clear skies, wind W at 15MPH with gusts to 32MPH, temp at 41F; sunset time 5:34PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along Incinerator Road by the Essex County Pre-Release Center with Crows perched in trees all around the extended area with active, and at time, intense vocalizations. Many Crows mulling around on the ground at [...]

March 1st, 2021|
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