Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Winter Crow Roost: massive flight swirls!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind W 6MPH, temp at 37F; sunset time 4:41PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting for staging activities, mostly south of overnight roost area. Observed staging Crows, streaming in by flight, perched in trees, and vocalizing loudly. Next stop was the top of the McGovern parking garage with excellent views to S/SW/W/NW. Large numbers were [...]

January 19th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: roost shift to the west!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind W at 14MPH with gusts 21MPH, temp at 41F and wind chill 33F; sunset time 4:39PM Out on Crow Patrol with Will just before 4PM. As part of community science effort, we continue to move around locations and vantage points to broader the overall observation experiences and develop new insights on Crow behaviors. Crows started [...]

January 17th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: Poughkeepsie, NY

Conditions: overcast skies, wind from E at 6MPH, temp at 41F: sunset time 4:50PM Out on Crow Patrol scanning for early incoming flight streams of Crows into possible staging areas. From "Shadows on the Hudson" parking lot, observed small numbers of Crows streaming ESE. After more searching, discovered initial group of staging in trees, rooftops, and on the ground [...]

January 15th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: Troy, NY

Conditions: overcast skies with fog, calm, 34F: sunset time 4:45PM Out on Crow Patrol for just over two hours, and initially observed Crows streaming towards NE corner of Green Island. Large numbers assembled in trees and then later arriving Crows redirected themselves in SSE direction, about 1.25 miles, well below the Hudson River Lock & Dam area. Departed and [...]

January 14th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: streaming past St. Patrick’s

Conditions: overcast skies, wind SW at 5MPH, temp 39F; sunset time 4:34PM Two of us out on Crow Patrol just after 4 PM starting with this stops at multiple nearby staging locations. As part of ongoing citizen science efforts, we continue to monitor as many staging locations, especially the early ones. The biggest staging area was observed about 1/2 [...]

January 13th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: rooftop staging!!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind NW 6MPH, temp at 38F; sunset time 4:33PM Out on Crow Patrol and scouting out staging locations with heaviest action around extended Shawsheen Park area located to the east side of Osgood Street. Heavy incoming flight streams into the area with loud vocalizations. Moved to top of McGovern parking garage to observe final staging activities. [...]

January 12th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: staging area 3/4 mile away

Conditions: overcast skies, wind SW at 5MPH, temp at 33F; sunset time 4:32PM Out on Crow Patrol just after 4PM with earlier look at Crows on trees along Prospect Hill. After scanning multiple prior staging locations, but more importantly watching initial incoming streams of Crows, made way to neighborhoods on both sides of Mass. Avenue heading SE towards Rt. [...]

January 11th, 2021|

Winter Crow Roost: staging more to the west

Crow group settling into the roost on lower branches! Conditions: mostly cloudy, wind S at 8MPH, temp 35F; sunset time 4:20PM Out on Crow Patrol with Will and with many locals stopping by during our outing. Initial stop along South Canal Street. Most of the staging activity was to our WSW with Crows staging on rooftops, utility [...]

December 30th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: flight swirls galore!

Conditions: clear skies, wind NW 20MPH with gusts to 32MPH, temp at 30F & wind chill 17F; sunset time 4:19PM Out on Crow Patrol for over two hours with initial visits at regular staging areas and observing light action. Moved on to South Canal Street and observed growing numbers of staging Crows many in large swirling "kettle" type flight [...]

December 29th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: flight swarm!

Dramatic drone video of Crows entering overnight roost! Conditions: mostly sunny, wind Sw 7MPH, temp at 48F; sunset time 4:18PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops at regular nearby staging locations with little action. Crows seen streaming towards one of the staging areas around Ferrous Park on the north side of the Merrimack River. This view below [...]

December 28th, 2020|
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