Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Winter Crow Roost: from Mill240 Park!

Conditions: mostly cloudy, wind W 5MPH, 41F; sunset time 4:19PM Out on solo Crow Patrol making initial observations from the Mill240 Park area. This shows swarms of Crows taking off in flight from the roof of the SmartCube building about 10 minutes after sunset time. This next image shows flight action over the truck depot area about 20 minutes [...]

November 17th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: to the Casey Bridge!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind W at 13MPH, gusts to 20MPH, temp at 47F; sunset time 4:20PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at the Incinerator Road ball field area watching Crows streaming towards roost at low elevations from the nearby municipal airport and the wooded area beyond, all located downriver from the overnight roost area. This image was [...]

November 16th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: staging at B&D Warehouse

This video shows staging Crows lifting off in flight! Conditions: heavy overcast skies, wind S at 13MPH, temp at 71F; sunset time 4:25PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop at roof top overlook at McGovern parking garage with a huge buildup of Crows at west end of the B&D Warehousing complex. At the west end of [...]

November 11th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: pellets!

The Winter Crow Roost is back in full swing with growing numbers each week! We are now able to once again search and collect ejected Crow pellet samples from areas near the overnight communal roost. Once again, we are making a big effort to search for and discover the pellets left behind by the Crows. According to Birds of [...]

November 11th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: converging into the roost

This video shows a stunning time lapse sequence of Crows landing in the roost! Conditions: clear skies at dusk, wind SW at 5MPH, temp 67F; sunset time 4:26PM Out on Crow Patrol for just over 75 minutes with first stop atop McGovern parking garage, with initial but smaller than normal group of American and Fish Crows starting [...]

November 10th, 2020|

Crow Scientist: a new Science App for Kids!

On Sept. 17, 2020 The School of Environmental and Forest Sciences in the College of the Environment at the University of Washington announced the release of a terrific new birding app about crows for use by kids. Here's the information from U of W: New app encourages kids to find interest in neighborhood crows A new app developed by School [...]

November 10th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: new Photography Guide!

The Crow Patrol is pleased to announce that we have just published and released the new "Winter Crow Roost: Photography Guide". The exciting new 3 page PDF guide is meant to help photographers at all skill levels in their efforts to capture pleasing images of the Winter Crow Roost phenomenon while out in the field. After endless group tours [...]

November 9th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: morning dispersal!

Terrific video that shows the Crows waking up and vocalizing loudly before morning dispersal! Conditions: clear skies before dawn, wind S at 3MPH, 51F; sunrise 6:26AM Observations: arrived at the Duck Bridge about 60 minutes before sunrise time. The roost was full with the heaviest and densest concentration of Crows in the trees along the river's edge [...]

November 7th, 2020|

Crow roost: aerial views!

Conditions: clear skies at dusk, wind S at 6MPH, temp at 49F, sunset time 4:32PM Observations: first stop on Crow Patrol tonight took place at 4:15 from the roof top of the McGovern parking garage. The Crows were flying in while vocalizing and were landing and gathering in O'Connell South Common, located at the intersection of South Union Street [...]

November 4th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: stunning sunset!

Conditions: clear skies at dusk, wind NW 12MPH, temp at 36F wind chill, 28F; sunset time 4:34PM Initial observations from roof top of McGovern garage with Crows on many roof tops and utility wires to the west. Lots of flight activity and vocalizations from O'Connell South Common along Market Street. Made quick trip to baseball field and surrounding park [...]

November 3rd, 2020|
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