Roost: Crow numbers starting to grow!
Fascinating video clip of Crows converging into the overnight roost about 20 minutes after sunset time! Conditions: clear skies with fading sun, wind NW 10MPH, temp at 64F; sunset time 6:41PM Out on Crow Patrol with Bob and Dana Fox upon their return from the far reaches of New Hampshire and the Loons! First observations from east [...]
Winter Crow Roost: pre-dawn wake up calls!
Fascinating video of Crows waking up an hour before sunset! Conditions: clear skies at dawn, wind N at 5MPH, 42F; sunrise time 6:29AM Observations: arrived at west side of Duck Bridge about 70 minutes before sunrise time to a growing chorus of Crows preparing for the day ahead. Overall, the numbers continue to expand. The Crows settle [...]
Winter Crow Roost: New Balance!
Conditions: clear skies after dark, calm, 57°F; sunset time 6:53PM Observation details: viewing underway from north side of Merrimack River about 50 minutes after sunset time. We set up on east side of Mill240 building with views directly across river towards the overnight roost that runs just over 200 yards from east to west along the river. The viewing [...]
Fish Crow Roost: Rooftop Mill240
Conditions: heavy overcast skies, fog and drizzle, visibility just over 1 mile, light wind, temp 65F; sunset time 7:16PM Observations: initially discovered and observed staging Crows along Market Street behind Lawrence Pumps; then along South Canal St., then with awesome views from the rooftop at the Mill240 apartment building, thanks to Stafford and Mill240 staff. Upon entering rooftop, the [...]
Fish Crows staging in O’Connell Park
Conditions: mostly clear skies, light variable winds, 70F; sunset time 7:19PM Observations: while heading home, discovered a staging group of Mostly Fish Crows and smaller numbers of American Crows loitering around O'Connell South Common near intersection of South Union and Market Streets. Initially saw over 50 Crows raiding an overstuffed park waste can with Crows on top and mulling [...]
Fish Crow Roost: before dawn!
Conditions: overcast skies, calm, 61F; sunrise time 6:05AM Observation details: arrived almost 90 minutes before sunrise time. Crow roost uniformly quiet and spread out in perch locations. Around 75 minutes before sunrise time, initial murmuring began, with increasing frequency and intensity; Mostly Fish Crows with a number of American Crows. Crows were spread out in trees on south side [...]
Bird Behavior: new book by John Kricher!
A fascinating look at what birds do and why they do it! Here's a description from the publisher: Both casual and serious birdwatchers can take their skills to the next level with this detailed consideration of bird behavior. This book makes it possible to move beyond identifying birds to understanding some of the underpinning and meaning to what birds [...]
Fish Crow Roost: at dawn!
This short video shows a left to right panning view of the overnight roost taken from the Duck Bridge! Conditions: clear skies at dawn, calm, 55F: sunrise time 5:57AM Observations: made from the west side of the Duck Bridge during nautical/civil twilight for just under 60 minutes. Upon arrival the Crows were tightly packed, on the outer [...]
Fish Crows gathering back of truck depot!
This time lapse video shows mostly Fish Crows as well as American Crows mulling around on the ground early evening prior to moving in flight to the overnight communal roost about 250 yards away! Conditions: partly sunny, wind WSW 6MPH, 91F; sunset time 7:52PM Observed a mix of mostly Fish Crows along with a smaller grouping of [...]
Fish Crows staging along Merrimack River!
This short time lapse video, taken with an infrared camera, on Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020, shows Young Fish Crows streaming in, perching and moving around, a regular staging area prior to departing in final flight to the nearby overnight roost! Conditions: clear skies, wind NW at 9MPH, 80F; sunset time 7:58PM. Initial observations from along South Canal [...]