Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Winter Crow Roost: overcast and fog!

Conditions: heavy overcast with fog and mist, wind NE at 7MPH, temp at 30F; sunset time at 4:33PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stop along north side of Merrimack River to observe early staging. Moved over to south side of river for final convergence into overnight communal roost. The Crows vocalizations became louder and louder just after sunset.  [...]

January 13th, 2020|

Recap: Opening Night for 2020 Celebration of the Winter Crow Roost!

The opening reception for the second annual Crow-themed art show hosted by the Essex Art Center was held on Friday night, Jan. 10, 2019 with a big turnout! In this exhibit, the Art Center celebrates the annual return of more than 20,000 American Crows and Fish Crows to Lawrence for the annual winter roosting season that typically happens between [...]

January 11th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: crows galore!!

Conditions: clear skies with a few sunset clouds, wind NW 6MPH, temp at 25F wind with chill at 18F; sunset time 4:29PM Out on Crow Patrol starting close to 4:30PM with initial stops along Marston St., Incinerator Road area, Pre-release Center, and then North Main Street. Crows started streaming in from every direction just after 4:35PM. Large concentrations farther [...]

January 9th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: sweet sunset!

Conditions: mostly cloudy but spectacular sunset, wind W at 14MPH, gusts up to 21MPH, 34F; sunset time 4:27PM Out on Crow Patrol just before sunset time. Crows were seen staging almost 1/2 mile away and downriver. My viewing location on south side of Merrimack River at end of North Main St, North Andover. Crows made a very orderly progression [...]

January 8th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: staging Lawrence Sanitary District Plant!

Conditions: overcast skies, calm, 36F: sunset time 4:27PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops along extended Marston St area, along the Rt. 495 Interchange, and along Sutton St. in North Andover with no Crows in sight. Parked at end of North Main St. and worked my way down to edge of Merrimack River. Hardly a Crow seen or [...]

January 7th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: staging changes!

Conditions: mostly cloudy, wind at 5MPH, 32F: sunset time 4:25PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial stops along Marston St. with Crows staging in multiple locations between Prospect st. and Rt. 495 Interchange. Crows were gathering in trees, on roofs, and on the ground, around the general area just on the east side of the Marston Medical building, and [...]

January 6th, 2020|

Essex Art Center: “Celebration of the Winter Crow Roost”

Essex Art Center hosts crow roost Jan 6, 2020  LAWRENCE — Essex Art Center celebrates the annual return of more than 20,000 American Crows and Fish Crows to Lawrence for their winter roost between October and early April. The center will host an opening reception for three related exhibits Friday, Jan. 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. at 56 [...]

January 6th, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: 2020 Happy New Year!

This video was taken 30 minutes after sunset time as the beautiful dusk colors were diminishing before the darkness of night time. As the Crows surge towards the roost, it is always exciting to watch and hear the action! Conditions: clear skies, golden sunset light, wind W at 10MPH, temp at 36F with wind chill at 29F; [...]

January 1st, 2020|

Winter Crow Roost: rain, sleet, and snow!

This video was taken about 40 minutes after sunset time on a winter night with rain, snow, and sleet. Crows were perched and on the ground nearby while others were streaming towards the roost out over the Merrimack River. A passing train with a loud horn prompted a number of Crows to lift up into flight! Conditions: [...]

December 30th, 2019|
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