Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: massive swarms after sunset time

Conditions: overcast with light rain, wind SW 8MPH, 54F; sunset time 4:10PM Out on solo Crow patrol just before sunset time. First stop was along the south side of Merrimack River, along the shore line, on the east side of the Rt. 495 Bridge. Initially, Crows seen in small numbers going by in flight. At 4:18PM, observed massive numbers [...]

December 10th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: dispersal before sunrise!

Conditions: clear skies, wind NW 3MPH, 21F: sunrise time 7:01AM Out on solo Crow Patrol almost two hours before sunrise, and to watch dispersal take place through the three stages of twilight: astronomical, nautical, and civil. Upon arrival the Crows were already noisy and vocalizations increased considerably during observation period. The Crows were tightly packed in together, yet again, [...]

December 7th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: more Incinerator Road!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind S 5MPH, 34F; sunset time 4:11PM Out on solo Crow Patrol with a start just after 4PM. Initially Crows were seen flying east over the Rt. 495 Bridge and downriver.  Then they started to perch in the tall trees on both sides of the Merrimack River, with loud vocalizations.  They were also seen in heavy [...]

December 6th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: huge staging around Incinerator Road!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind W 13MPH, gusts 20MPH, 39F; sunset time 4:11PM Out os solo Crow Patrol with first stop around the baseball field on Incinerator Road in Lawrence, MA. Large numbers of Crows were seen staging around the extended ball field complex, and atop trees on both sides of Merrimack River. The vocalizing was loud and intense at [...]

December 5th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: clear, cool, and calm!

Conditions: clear skies, wind NW 8MPH, with gusts up to 20MPH, 32F (wind chill 25F); sunset time 4:11PM.  According to the National Weather Service, here is a sampling of unofficial snow observations for Essex County for this three day snow storm from Dec 1st-3rd 2019: Methuen 17";  Andover 16.3"; Haverhill 16.0"; North Andover 15.0"  Quite a start to the [...]

December 3rd, 2019|

Spicket River Brewery: new Crow Brew!!

At the recent 2019 "Welcome back Crows" gathering hosted at the Spicket River Brewery, John Cornejo, owner and brewmaster extraordinaire, shared a bit more about the launch of his latest new brew, known as "CROWPACALYPSE!" When asked about this new beer label, John mentioned that it was a rendition from a Tupac album. Tupac Shakur was an American rapper [...]

November 30th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: into roost earlier!

Conditions: overcast skies, wind E 10MPH, 51F; sunset time 4:13PM Out on solo Crow Patrol starting minutes before sunset time and for about 30 minutes. Stayed in place on the shore, opposite the roost, on the south side of the Merrimack River, to watch the final staging and roosting process for the night. Large numbers of Crows were seen [...]

November 27th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: into the roost at Rt. 495!

Conditions: clear skies, wind SW 5MPH, 54F; sunset time 4:14PM Out on solo Crow Patrol with most viewing from the end of North Main St. in North Andover.  It was nice to be out in warmer conditions. The first Crows dropped into the roost at 4:10PM, in very small numbers. Others started streaming in about 15 minutes after sunset. [...]

November 26th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: counting 10,000 with Bob Fox!

Conditions: clear skies, calm, 40F; sunset time 4:15PM After checking a few likely staging locations, followed Crows in flight to an early staging location in North Andover behind the strip shopping center with Mad Maggie's Ice Cream at Rt. 125/Rt.133. Crows were gathering in the trees and on the ground with loud vocalizing all around. Crows were streaming [...]

November 23rd, 2019|

Crow Patrol: 5 hours after sunset!

Conditions: mostly cloudy, wind 15MPH, gusts 31MPH, 40F, wind chill 32F: sunset time 4:16PM While passing through the area, made a short stop to observe the nightly roost, around 9:15PM, and almost 5 hours after time of sunset. Observed well over 6,000 Crows in tight roosting formation in trees along the north shore of Merrimack River immediately adjacent to [...]

November 22nd, 2019|
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