Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: 10,000+ into roost!

Conditions: clear skies, bright setting sun, wind W 3MPH, 46F; sunset time 4:17PM Out on Crow Patrol with Bob and Dana, first time in a while that we were able to be out all together! Met up while we were all searching for staging concentrations on both sides of Sutton St. in North Andover between the main entrance to [...]

November 21st, 2019|

MCZ Harvard: Crow Collection!

With deep thanks to Jeremiah Trimble, had a fascinating visit recently at the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University.  Had a very warm welcome from Jeremiah and then worked with Kate Eldridge, Curatorial Assistant in the Ornithology Department. The Ornithology Collection began with the founding of the Museum of Comparative Zoology by Louis Agassiz in 1859. Starting [...]

November 21st, 2019|

Crow Patrol: new roost Rt. 495 Bridge

Conditions: heavy overcast skies with light rain, fog, and visibility about 4 miles; wind NW 7MPH, temp at 37F Out on solo crow patrol starting about 4:30 PM. Earlier in the afternoon crows were seen in pre-roosting aggregations around the south side of Prospect Hill which is located just above and to the north of Marston Street close to [...]

November 20th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Welcome Back Crows night!

Conditions: overcast skies with light snow, wind N at 9MPH, 34F; sunset time 4:20PM While helping to host the "Welcome Back Crows Event" at the Spicket River Brewery, with the Merrimack River Watershed Council and Groundwork Lawrence, the Crow Patrol as event co-sponsors, made a number of quick trips over 2 + hour period to scout for streaming, staging, [...]

November 17th, 2019|

“Welcome Back Crows” at Spicket River Brewery!

On Sunday afternoon, in the midst of many football games, the newly launched Spicket River Brewery hosted the first annual "Welcome Back Crows" event to celebrate the return of both American and Fish Crows to the City of Lawrence, MA.  Each year, Lawrence plays host to an amazing avian spectacle known as a winter crow roost. Last winter, members [...]

November 17th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: those crafty crows!

Conditions: partly cloudy, wind W 16MPH, gusts, 22MPH; 29F wind chill 17F; sunset time 4:24PM. Out on solo Crow Patrol approximately 1.5 hours after a glorious sunset. Had watched the Crows around 4:15PM, from the hospital, while staging into the hillside on SW corner of Prospect Hill, along Marston St. near the Marston Medical building. Then out on Crow [...]

November 12th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Bob Fox update!

The Lawrence Crows have adopted yet another new roost site in early November, one different from the recent other roosts in the Lawrence area. Behind 280 Merrimack street in Lawrence, as part of the successful Riverwalk complex is a new project. Bridging historic architecture with smart-city technology and sustainable design features, the Lupoli Companies are developing a destination that [...]

November 9th, 2019|

Winter Crow Roost: Lancaster, PA

Conditions: partly cloudy, wind S at 6MPH, temp at 36F; sunset time 4:54PM Had a wonderful visit to the renowned winter crow roost in Lancaster, PA this past Saturday late afternoon. Like so many other winter roosts, this one has been around for decades, and in this location, has experienced, at times, over 100,000 crows in winters past. This [...]

November 9th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: 280 Merrimack St.

Clear skies, wind W at 8MPH, 45F; sunrise time at 4:31PM Out on solo Crow Patrol tonight, starting at 5:30; no Crows seen or heard along New Balance building area; walked out onto the Duck Bridge from the north to look and listen for Crows action, but very few to be found.  Heard distant calling of Crows across the [...]

November 6th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: heavy overcast, fog and mist!

Heavy overcast with fog and mist, wind SE 3MPH, 52F; sunset time 4:32PM Out on solo Crow Patrol as twilight was turning into night, starting almost 45 minutes after time of sunset. Made initial scan of trees along side New Balance building and no Crows seen or heard; next stop around Ferrous Site at east end of Island St. [...]

November 5th, 2019|
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