Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crows at sunset over Merrimack River

Mostly sunny skies, wind S at 9MPH, temp at 81F, and sunset time 6:40PM Started out on Crow Patrol looking for staging locations. Found small groupings on South Common, along Market St. near Foster St., in and around the railroad tracks, on rooftops and utility poles around intersection of Parker and Merrimack Streets, and on the ground in [...]

September 26th, 2019|

Crow Patrol Recap 2018-2019

Download Full Report For many of our faithful readers, thought you might enjoy the just completed report on the Crow Patrol activities from this past winter season as well as a list of highlights. The 2020 activities are in the early planning stages and we hope you will follow and participate again this year! “As they came in, the [...]

September 25th, 2019|

The American Crows are BACK!!!!!

Had an unexpected opportunity to stick around later tonight and look for the return of the American Crows.....they're BACK!  For now it looks like small numbers, but they are clearly American Crows with vocalizations that are distinct from the young Fish Crows that have been hanging around all summer. The lighting conditions were lower under overcast skies, with [...]

September 10th, 2019|

Crows know how to have fun!

An article just released by Peter Reull in the Harvard Gazette reports on a study about Crows that has been published in Current Biology by organismic and evolutionary biology graduate student Dakota McCoy.  It is widely known that Crows are considered to be among the world's most intelligent animals. In many recent research studies, Crows and other members of the [...]

September 2nd, 2019|

Nat Geo: Crows Love Cheeseburgers!

National Geographic highlights a new research report on American Crows that has just been published in the bird journal The Condor: Ornithological Applications. The Condor is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, syntheses, and assessments from all parts of the globe focusing on the application of scientific theory, ornithological knowledge, and methods to the conservation and management of birds and [...]

August 27th, 2019|

Fish Crows at Ferrous Site!

The Fish Crows were gathered around the approach area to the Ferrous Site late this afternoon under partly sunny skies, wind from SW at 14MPH, and temp at 83F.  They were perched on utility wires, fence posts, rooftops, and on the ground. They have frequently been seen in this location, in the late afternoon over the past three weeks. [...]

August 19th, 2019|

Crow & Raven: Center for Wildlife

At the kind invitation of Sarah Kern, Director of Education, had a wonderful visit this morning at the Center for Wildlife located in Cape Neddick, Maine. Nestled at the base of Mount Agamenticus, for 33 years their facility has treated over 50,000 injured and orphaned wild animals and presented programming to thousands of community members annually. Their vision is [...]

August 15th, 2019|

Fish Crows Ferrous Site

Submitted by Craig Gibson: 2019 Crow Patrol Observation notes: clear skies, bright sun, wind from the W at 10MPH, and temp at 82F The gang of young Fish Crows continue to hang out around the Ferrous Site, and are being seen in late afternoons and early evenings.  They spend time perched in trees, on utility wires, on fence tops [...]

August 14th, 2019|

Fish Crows at Riverwalk behind 280 Merrimack St.

Submitted by Craig Gibson: 2019 Crow Patrol Observation notes: just after 6:30 PM under mostly cloudy skies, winds from SW at 7MPH, and temp at 79F. The Young Fish Crows continue to move around the local area along the Merrimack River.  Discovered over 50 Fish Crows mulling around the fenced in the construction zone behind 280 Merrimack St. This [...]

August 13th, 2019|

Young Fish Crows again!

Made another late afternoon visit to the Ferrous Site in search of young Fish Crows.  They are easy to find around this location late in the day and their distinctive call helps to make easy identification.  The Fish Crow call is a high-pitched, nasal "ca-hah" or "aw-uk."  They were perched in nearby trees and foraging on the ground. They [...]

July 30th, 2019|
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