Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: Wall Experiment Station

Sunset time at 6:57PM under overcast skies, wind ESE 6MPH and temp at 47F; posting and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Out on solo Crow Patrol tonight with a bit a of a later start. Made a pass by the extended cemetery complex, and not a Crow in sight at 6:10pm; made my way down to Boys and Girls [...]

March 21st, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Buddhist Temple!

Sunset time at 6:56PM under clear skies and dazzling bright orange late day sun, wind E 8MPH, temp at 46F; altitude approx. 142' above sea level; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Initially out on Crow Patrol solo at IC Cemetery; initial observations from very back of cemetery, watching slow trickle of Crows coming in; Crows were in [...]

March 20th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: more staging action

Sunset time 6:55PM under mostly sunny skies, wind NW at 8MPH, gusts to 21MPH, temp at 42F; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson. Made a short ten minute visit in search of staging Crows and located small numbers in the back of the cemetery; due to the time, they were just starting to arrive at this regular staging [...]

March 19th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: staging at IC Cemetery

Sunset time at 6:54PM under clear skies and late day sun, winds NW at 9MPH, with gusts to 17MPH, temp at 39F; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Out on solo Crow Patrol tonight with only stop at Immaculate Conception Cemetery; the only Crows found upon arrival just before 6PM, were in smaller numbers at the northern end. Crows [...]

March 18th, 2019|

Crow Expert: John Marzluff in June

Nuttal Ornithological Club presents: Dr. John Marzluff – Gifts of the Crow June 3, 2019 Crows are mischievous, playful, social, and passionate. They have brains that are huge for their body size and exhibit an avian kind of eloquence. They mate for life and associate with relatives and neighbors for years. And because they often live near people—in our gardens, parks, and cities—they [...]

March 17th, 2019|

Research report: Crow vocalizations near food

The following is a nice review by Kaeli Swift, Ph.D., of a recently published research paper by Loma Pendergraft on vocalizations by American Crows around food; post submitted by Craig Gibson Background on Loma: Loma is a graduate student working in John Marzluff's lab at the University of Washington and studying crow communication and cognition. Loma earned his undergraduate degree in [...]

March 15th, 2019|

Crows & Breadloaf: Boys and Girls Club

Getting to know crows; Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence hosts art and writing program around annual visit Boys & Girls Club Lawrence hosts art/writing program around annual visit Article by Terry Date; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson A teen writing leader from the crow program read his poem to the room at the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence, [...]

March 14th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: staging at Immaculate!

Sunset time at 6:47PM; clear skies, late day sun, wind from the NW at 9MPH, and temp 39F; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Met up with Dana and Bob atop the hill on Augustian Way at Immaculate Conception Cemetery with lots of staging Crows around on the ground, in trees, and again, on headstones. Offered up cracked corn [...]

March 12th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Immaculate Conception Cemetery

Sunset time 6:46PM under clear skies, dazzling late day sun with spectacular pastel sky colors, wind from the W at 24MPH, and strong gusts up to 35MPH, temp at 42F; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Out on Crow Patrol with Dana and Bob as the Crows began staging in the Immaculate Conception Cemetery; we were located about [...]

March 11th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Haverhill St. area

Sunset time 6:44PM under dark overcast skies with rain and fog; wind from the NE at 6MPH,  and temp at 36F; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Out on solo Crow Patrol near sunset; headed up Reservoir St. from Haverhill St. in search of Crows with first sightings at southern end of Bellevue Cemetery. Bellevue Cemetery is a [...]

March 10th, 2019|
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