Crow Patrol: shelter from big NW winds!
Sunset 5:40PM under partly cloudy skies, wind from NW at 15MPH, and gusts to 25MPH, temp at 21F and wind chill 9F.....bone chilling cold, especially with wind off the water; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Before meeting up with others out on Crow Patrol; made a pass by Bodwell Street and Guilmette School area. This location has [...]
Crow Patrol: Boys and Girls Club
Sunset time 5:38PM under clear skies, setting sun, wind from S 9MPH, and temp at 26F with 18F wind chill...brrrr; post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson Happy to have Dana and Bob back out on Crow Patrol and what a welcome back the Crows provided! First stop was the Boys and Girls Club and the lookout area at [...]
Crow Patrol: Riverfront State Park
Sunset time at 5:37PM under partly cloudy skies, wind NW 9MPH, and temp at 35F....but wind off the water made it feel much colder! Out on solo Crow Patrol starting almost 40 minutes before sunset; Dana and Bob will return to patrol duties Tuesday night after trip to Peru. Arrived at Riverfront State Park, and observed a few Crows [...]
Crow Patrol: out with 50+ on patrol!
Sunset time 5:36PM; mostly cloudy skies, wind SW 10MPH, temp 39F Crows and Cocoa night with a wonderful group hosted by the Merrimack River Watershed Council; special thanks to Lara Mataac for all of her organizational efforts and also to MRWC Executive Director, Rusty Russell. The turnout was just over 50 people, another record turnout, to watch the Crows [...]
Crow Patrol: Crows in flight!
Prior to meeting the Merrimack River Watershed Council group at the Bashara Boathouse, made a pass by the IC Cemetery to look for staging Crows; mostly sunny skies, wind from SW and temp at 39F. Over 300 Crows loitering in extended area, and on the way out nice looks at a Kestrel! Here is a Crow coming in on [...]
Crow Patrol: Back to Experiment Station!
Sunset time 5:35PM under dark overcast skies, wind from north at 6MPH, and temp at 30F with wind chill 24F! Out again on solo Crow Patrol just after 5PM, for under almost an hour, with initial stops along Bulfinch Drive and International Way. Crows galore but in smaller numbers, suggesting that this location tonight is only a staging area. [...]
Crow Patrol: Crows and Cocoa, Sun. March 3 at 4:45PM
In response to continuing requests for another Crow Patrol outing, not only for those who had been on the wait list from prior events, but also for the growing numbers of Crow watchers who would like to partake in this amazing avian spectacle, Lara Mataac, a very dedicated volunteer for the Merrimack River Watershed Council has organized an upcoming [...]
Crows in Flight: special gallery
A special look at the Crows in flight on a sunny and grace!
Crow Patrol: Boys and Girls Club Lawrence
Tonight, the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence hosted the Bread Loaf Family Literacy Night from 5:30-7 p.m., at the B&G Clubhouse located at 136 Water St. The youth members gathered with their family and friends to show off the crow art installation and other crow-related projects before the families sit down to work on a new project together. As BGCL [...]
Crow Patrol: end of February
Sunset time 5:32PM under mostly sunny skies, wind NW at 8MPH, temp at 28F and wind chill 20F Out on solo Crow Patrol just after 4:30PM for about 50 minutes with first stop in extended Lawrence/Methuen cemetery complex off of Barker St. Initially Crows were seen in Bellvue Cemetery and St. Mary's; then much larger numbers on the hilltop [...]