Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: massive numbers staging and roosting!

Sunset time 5:31PM under overcast skies, with wind much lighter from the W at 5MPH, and temp at 21F with wind chill at 14F....brrrr! At about 4:45PM, started out on solo Crow Patrol tonight, still wondering about where all the Crows were last night? Headed west along Haverhill St. towards area of last night's roost; not a Crow to [...]

February 27th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: lower numbers?

Sunset time tonight at 5:30PM under clear skies with late day setting sun, wind blowing from the NW at 16MPH and gusts up to 24MPH, and temp at 22F with wind chill making it feel like 8F! Out on Crow Patrol solo tonight at 5:10PM for about 50 minutes. While driving west on Haverhill St., heading towards last night's [...]

February 26th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: shift to Floral St. area!

Sunset time at 5:28PM under overcast skies, with wind blowing at 23MPH, and gusts up to 37MPH, temp at 31F and wind chill at 18F, but feeling much colder! Out on solo Crow Patrol with first stop at Riverfront State Park and no Crows seen on the ground or in flight. Then, onto Eaton Street and towards the Bashara [...]

February 25th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Boys/Girls Club Lawrence!

Just in....a wonderful reminder from Karen Krawchuk, who serves as the Director of Education at the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence.  The club is located at 136 Water Street, Lawrence, MA. They are getting ready for a big night this coming Thursday! Back in January, Karen connected with an update on plans for the Crow Show. They had their [...]

February 24th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Sylvia and Irene!

On Thursday night, received a nice incoming email from Sylvia in Connecticut.  In the email she said she is "a big fan and sometime researcher at the Hartford crow roost, I’m coming up to see your roost and the show at the Essex Art Center tomorrow with a parrot researcher friend. I’ll be taking off from home around 10 am, [...]

February 22nd, 2019|

Crow Patrol with Crow Researcher & Parrot Whisperer!

Sunset time at 5:25PM under mostly sunny skies, wind NW at 8MPH, temp at 41F Out on Crow Patrol tonight for close to two hours with two delightful visitors, Sylvia and Irene. They are long time friends and fellow avian experts. Sylvia Halkin, is a biology professor and field biologist at Central Conn. State Univ. with a research focus [...]

February 22nd, 2019|

Crow Patrol: staging in cemetery

In an effort to observe one of the nearby staging areas, stopped by the Immaculate Conception Cemetery complex in Lawrence for about 45 minutes under mostly sunny skies, wind from the NW at 8MPH, and temp at 42F. The cemetery is one of many proximate staging, or pre-roosting locations where the Crows gather in larger numbers prior to movement [...]

February 22nd, 2019|

Crow Patrol: New TV interview!

Jay Sugarman at New TV extended a very nice invitation to join him and videographer, Dennis Hlynsky for a show about the Essex Art Center and the "Celebrating A Winter Crow Roost" exhibit. NewTV is a non-profit Newton-based organization dedicated to providing the diverse and extended Newton community with a platform for opinions, news and local information not generally available [...]

February 20th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Groundwork Green Team!

Thanks to Matt Morin from Groundwork Lawrence, had a nice opportunity to meet with members of the GWL Green Team at the Essex Art Center this afternoon.  It is a great group of inspiring young people with a deep interest in conservation and environmental issues.  After providing the Green Team members with an overview, they proceeded out on Crow [...]

February 20th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: pre-roosting aggregations!

Clear skies, late day sun, wind W 13MPH, 27F wind chill 16F Out on solo Crow Patrol tonight for short visit 15 minute visit before heading into Boston. The first stop was at Riverfront State Park; observed Crows in very early process of staging in trees along north side of Merrimack River, west of Boys and Girls Club; The [...]

February 19th, 2019|
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