Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: Groundwork Green Team!

Thanks to Matt Morin from Groundwork Lawrence, had a nice opportunity to meet with members of the GWL Green Team at the Essex Art Center this afternoon.  It is a great group of inspiring young people with a deep interest in conservation and environmental issues.  After providing the Green Team members with an overview, they proceeded out on Crow [...]

February 20th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: pre-roosting aggregations!

Clear skies, late day sun, wind W 13MPH, 27F wind chill 16F Out on solo Crow Patrol tonight for short visit 15 minute visit before heading into Boston. The first stop was at Riverfront State Park; observed Crows in very early process of staging in trees along north side of Merrimack River, west of Boys and Girls Club; The [...]

February 19th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: dispersal at twilight!

After locating the morning Crows and watching for a while, set up my iPhone on a portable and lightweight MeFoto tripod and activated the time-lapse setting.  In light of cold temp at 28F and 16F wind chill, made sure to attach my portable MyCharge phone charger, and let charger attached to iPhone.  This time-lapse video captures about [...]

February 14th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: twilight, dawn, sunrise!

Crow Patrol report for Thursday morning, Feb. 14, 2019 submitted by Craig Gibson.  Cover photo taken with night vision phone app! Sunrise time at 6:43AM under fair skies, wind SW at 15MPH, temp at 28F - wind chill 16F Up and out early this morning to experience twilight dispersal of the Crows from the overnight roost; what an amazing [...]

February 14th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: snow squall!

Crow Patrol report for Wednesday night, Feb. 13, 2019 submitted by Craig Gibson.  Cover photo taken Riverside State Park over 10 minutes after sunset! Sunset time at 5:13PM under overcast skies, wind W 14MPH, 37F wind chill 28F; snow squall close to 5:30PM Out on Crow Patrol solo tonight; first observations at 4:55PM, made at Bashara Boathouse with loads [...]

February 13th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: in the snowstorm!

Crow Patrol report for Tuesday night, Feb. 12, 2019 submitted by Craig Gibson. Sunset time at 5:12PM under dark overcast skies with snow, freezing rain, and fog; wind N 8MPH, temp at 22F, wind chill 13F Went out on Crow Patrol for about 25 minutes tonight, right around sunset time.  The first stop was along the back of the [...]

February 12th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: another 45 out on patrol!

Crow Patrol report for Sunday night, Feb. 10, 2019 submitted by Craig Gibson. Sunset time at 5:09PM under clear skies, with wind out of the west at 8MPH, and temperature at 32F, feeling a bit colder with wind chill at 25F. Out on Crow Patrol with 45 mostly new members of the patrol, after a wonderful tour of the [...]

February 10th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: view from Boys & Girls Club!

Crow Patrol report for Thursday night, Feb. 7, 2019 submitted by Craig Gibson. Sunset time at 5:05PM under dark overcast skies, with mist and light rain; winds from NE at 8MPH, temp at 38F. Headed out on Crow Patrol just a few minutes after sunset; after connecting with Dana and Bob and their full update from Riverfront Park on [...]

February 7th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: wonder and mystery!

It was cloudy, the temperature was in the low 30’s, wind 9 MPH from the east, and sunset at 5:02 PM. I tried to gather the whole sequence of events during the staging and roosting of the crow last night as we hope to contribute to the gathering of citizen science information about this phenomenon. Capturing the Whole Staging [...]

February 6th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Hydroelectric Dam!

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Sunset time 5:04PM under mostly cloudy skies, wind E at 6MPH, temp at 32F. Headed out on Crow Patrol after receiving phone call update from Dana and Bob Fox.  They already had many Crow sightings from their location at Riverfront Park. First stop just after 5:15PM, was at small pull off area [...]

February 6th, 2019|
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