Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: behind Brink’s building!

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Sunset time 5:01PM under clear skies, late day setting sun, wind S at 5MPH, 59F Out on Crow Patrol for a short tour tonight; Dana and Bob indicated Crows seen last two nights in and around the Glenn St. and Shepard St. commercial building area loop located on the south side of [...]

February 4th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: on the rooftops!

Last night it was just Bob and I – like date night out - watching the crows.  We looked out from Riverfront State Park on Everett St. – no crows. We then went to the Bashara Boathouse at 1 Eaton St. – one crow on the ice but others streaming across the river, from the north, over the trees far [...]

January 31st, 2019|

Crow Patrol: a blizzard of Crows!

Sunset was at 4:56PM under mostly cloudy skies, wind from SSW at 9MPH, temp at 27F and wind chill at 18F, but it felt much colder! Got started on Crow Patrol with first stop at north end of Rt. 28/Great Stone Dam Bridge. Spent a few minutes observing large number of gulls on the ice and many more above [...]

January 30th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Crows on Ice!

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Sunset time at 4:55PM with overcast skies and light snow, fog, and mist, wind from NE at 7MPH, 25F wind chill 17F.  The first stop out on Crow Patrol tonight around 5:25PM, was along Bay State Road on the north side of the Merrimack River.  This location is just to the west [...]

January 29th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Riverfront State Park

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Out on Crow Patrol just after sunset at 4:52PM under fair skies, with light wind from the north at 3MPH, and temps at 25F. The photo below shows the view from Riverfront looking over the ice with a group of Crows, in NE direction towards the trees behind Bay State Road, the [...]

January 28th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: 50+!!!

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Crow Patrol was in full force Sunday night with a group from Mass Audubon Society out to see the Crows; sunset time was 4:51PM; mostly cloudy skies, wind S 10MPH, gusts to 21MPH, 42F windchill 36F. Made initial survey of staging areas, with 4 others, just west of Eaton St. and the Boathouse; [...]

January 27th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: “truly great avian spectacle!”

2019 Crow Patrol posting by Craig Gibson Sunset time was at 4:49PM, under mostly clear skies, with wind from the  West at 7MPH, and temp at 29F and wind chill making it feel around 22F....chilly! Met up with Jim Berry, Brian O'Neill, Lynne Holton, and Anna Kjoss this afternoon just before 4:30 at Riverfront State Park. They had seen [...]

January 26th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: There They Are!!!

Sarah Arsenault of Mass Audubon joined Bob and me on Crow Patrol. We left the New Balance Parking lot at 3:45 and headed west on Merrimack St. We visited our favorite viewing area just off Broadway St. Rt. 28 pulling in to a little driveway just over the bridge on the north side. From there you get a great [...]

January 25th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Mad Dogs and Englishmen!

First of all, the Crows coming into Lawrence MA FOR THE WINTER CROW ROOST HAVE CHANGED THEIR STAGING AND ROOSTING PATTERN. We suspected this would happen based on last year, but when and why? We are now more like the Keystone Cops and are in our “Where’s Waldo” mode!!! We welcome you to our adventurous winter ride!!! As you [...]

January 24th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Artful crows!

Artful crows Andover artist takes part in an ode to smart, charming birds By Terry Date Staff writer Jan 24, 2019 A single crow will entertain. A thousand dazzle. Twenty-six thousand cawing crows blanketing trees nightly in winter along the Merrimack River in a single Lawrence locale fascinate. And get folks a-thinking. Crow wonder and mystery are the stuff [...]

January 24th, 2019|
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