Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Crow Patrol: 20+ join the fun!

Overview: Sunset time at 4:26PM under mostly cloudy skies, wind from NW at 13MPH, gusts at 25MPH, temp at 40F with wind chill at 32F, felt much colder! Crow Patrol started off tonight solo with a pass by Immaculate Conception Cemetery. Immaculate Conception was founded in 1847, followed by St. Mary in 1848, and later merged as St. Mary-Immaculate [...]

January 6th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: 20 out on garage rooftop!!

Twenty wonderful crow watchers joined us (Bob, Craig and I) for a spectacular late afternoon Crow Patrol. We met in the New Balance Factory Store Parking Lot at 3:30 pm and, after a brief introduction, walked over to the parking garage and got to the top floor. There was a dark band of clouds on the western sky which [...]

January 6th, 2019|

Crow Patrol: Friday, Jan. 4, 2019

The Crow Patrol was out in full force tonight with Dana and Bob leading the way. We were pleasantly surprised to be joined by Dennis Hlynsky, Professor and Dept Head of the Film/Animation/video Department at the Rhode Island School of Design. His dazzling work will be featured at the upcoming Crow exhibit at the Essex Art Center in Lawrence, [...]

January 4th, 2019|

Essex Art Center 2019 Crow Show: Eagle Tribune!

Essex Art Center celebrates winter crow roost Dec 26, 2018 LAWRENCE —The Essex Art Center will present exhibitions and programs around crows, exploring myths that portray them as tricksters, omens, and bringers of light, and celebrating the winter roost along the Merrimack River. Opening reception for its three crow shows is Jan. 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. The [...]

December 28th, 2018|

Crow Patrol: a memorable night!

Last night was a memorable and beautiful night on Crow Patrol in Lawrence MA. We met Cheryl Dean of Newburyport, Rinky Black and her sister from Erving, MA and Judy Rogers of North Andover at the New Balance Parking Lot an hour before sunset (3:17 yesterday). Richard Osborne and his wife Julia who had previously visited with us were [...]

December 28th, 2018|

Crow Patrol on South Canal Street!

While driving southbound over Duck Bridge a few minutes after 4PM, under mostly clear skies, calm wind, temp at 34F, and sunset time at 4:17 PM, large numbers of Crows were observed streaming in on flight lines from the north. Initial observations showed active staging in and around South Common, and farther to S and SE; made a quick tour [...]

December 27th, 2018|

Crow Patrol: 25,000+!!

Crow Patrol December 20th, 2018 Yesterday starting at 3:15 pm Bob and I enjoyed sharing the Lawrence MA crow patrol with Ann Banks from Gloucester, Jill Mathieu from Norton, Richard and Julia Osborne from Winchester and Mac McBurney from Arlington. It was a rare, windless afternoon with temperatures in the 40’ s and a mostly gray sky making it [...]

December 22nd, 2018|

Crows crossing to final roost

Headed over the Duck Bridge just after 4PM, under partly cloudy skies, little wind, temp 46F, and sunset time at 4:13pm, while watching the endless river of Crows streaming upriver from the east; parked at east end of of South Canal Street to watch the Crows on the roof, and crossing over into final roost. Many Crows streaming in [...]

December 20th, 2018|

Crows passing the Clock Tower

Started out on Crow Patrol, minutes before the 4;12PM sunset time, under clear skies, wind from the NW at 16MPH, with gusts up to 32MPH.  Made my way along Marston Street near the Marston Medical Center.  Large numbers of Crows were seen swirling around just to the east of the Medical Center, in the and around the R&R Auto [...]

December 18th, 2018|
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