Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Spectacular night: 25,000+!

Thursday night was the most spectacular night of all watching the Lawrence MA Winter Crow roost hands up. We went out there an hour before sunset 3:11 pm with Nancy Soulette and Gwyn Loud of Lincoln and were joined there by David Lipsky of Concord, NH. Bob was prepared to count them and I was going to lead our guests [...]

December 15th, 2018|

Observing Crows from New Balance!

Crow Patrol with Dana Duxbury-Fox, and husband Bob Fox, and Craig Gibson had the wonderful invitation to visit the New Balance building complex for an opportunity to view the Crows from windows on the fourth floor. Mostly cloudy skies, wind from south at 3MPH, and temp at 45F. With deep gratitude to the NB security and senior staff, we [...]

December 14th, 2018|

Morning Dispersal before dawn from roost!

With sunrise time at 7:05AM, arrived minutes after 6AM to observe the morning dispersal of the Crow roost, observing the the Duck Bridge under overcast skies, wind NW 3MPH, 29F.  The view below is from the south end of the Duck bridge, looking NW at Crow covered trees, with the Verizon Tower in the distant [...]

December 12th, 2018|

Northern Essex Crow observation team!

A group from Northern Essex Community College made a visit to Lawrence to observe the Winter Crow Roost. Sunset time was 4:10PM under clear skies, wind SE at 3MPH and temp at 36F. The cover photo shows the large gathering of both American and Fish Crows on the extend rooftop of the B&D Advanced Warehousing facilities along Merrimack Street, [...]

December 11th, 2018|

Crow Pellet Anaysis

The collection of Crow pellets continues in and around the winter crow roost in Lawrence, MA. It is fascinating to look back at a pellet collection effort from last December in the same location. About 125 pellets were gathered into a number of larger zip lock bags. Each bag with collected pellets was dated. Once a sufficient number had [...]

December 11th, 2018|

2018 Crow Pellets!

The  winter crow roost in Lawrence, MA has provided a practical opportunity to collect ejected crow pellets. Each night in the winter months, the crows gather for the overnight roost along the Merrimack River.  As part of the final steps in the staging process, they are seen in growing numbers on the ground of a truck depot parking lot [...]

December 10th, 2018|

Crows staging on nearby rooftops!

Met Sandy Selesky in New Balance parking lot under mostly clear skies with late day haze near sunset, wind from SW 8MPH, and temp at 34F, with a wind chill making feel like 27F.  We moved to South Canal Street, and observed very little action while it was still early; we then tracked and followed the incoming Crows. The [...]

December 9th, 2018|

Crow Patrol after dark!

Despite best intentions, sometimes it's just not possible to get out on Crow Patrol until well after dark.  Made it out tonight around 5:45PM, well after sunset time at 4:11pm,  and clear skies, winds from the NW 10MPH, and the temp at 30F, with a wind chill making it feel like 21F.  While heading south over the Duck Bridge, [...]

December 4th, 2018|

Pellet casting by Crows!

At this time of year, the truck depot parking lot along South Canal St. in Lawrence, MA provides ample opportunity to collect ejected pellets from the wintering American and Fish Crows. Each morning, the Crows leave behind cast pellets from the night before. Little research is available on pellets from American and Fish Crows. From Birds of North America, [...]

December 3rd, 2018|

Crows and Two Lights

Video by Dennis Hlynsky Recorded early November in Lawrence, MA at the beginning of the winter crow roost season. In this video American Crows and Fish Crows fly from a staging area in the the south to the Merrimack river's edge to spend the night. Professor and Dept Head of the Film/Animation/video Department at the Rhode Island School [...]

November 23rd, 2018|
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