Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Pellet casting by Crows!

At this time of year, the truck depot parking lot along South Canal St. in Lawrence, MA provides ample opportunity to collect ejected pellets from the wintering American and Fish Crows. Each morning, the Crows leave behind cast pellets from the night before. Little research is available on pellets from American and Fish Crows. From Birds of North America, [...]

December 3rd, 2018|

Crows and Two Lights

Video by Dennis Hlynsky Recorded early November in Lawrence, MA at the beginning of the winter crow roost season. In this video American Crows and Fish Crows fly from a staging area in the the south to the Merrimack river's edge to spend the night. Professor and Dept Head of the Film/Animation/video Department at the Rhode Island School [...]

November 23rd, 2018|

Winter Crow Roost: aerial views!

A friend with an ongoing interest in nature and landscape photography, had an opportunity to visit the extended area around the winter crow roost for some aerial photography using his drone.  He is very sensitive to the issues around using a drone and disruptions to bird life, whether during breeding season, or other times of the year.  During a [...]

November 21st, 2018|

A swirl of Crows!

Set out on late afternoon Crow Patrol under mostly cloudy skies, wind: SW 12MPH, gusts 22MPH, 40F.  First observations were made from the Pacific Mills complex on north side of Merrimack River as Crows were streaming into roost; initially the numbers were on the light side; then made it over to the Duck Bridge and observed large numbers steaming [...]

November 21st, 2018|

Crows after dark: Duck Bridge!

Stopped by for look at overnight roost from the Duck Bridge and then South Canal Street. Weather conditions: heavy overcast skies with fog and mist, wind W at 5MPH, 38F, and timing was almost 90 minutes after sunset. After dam it is always a big challenge to make any type of size estimate of the overall roost. Overall, the [...]

November 19th, 2018|

Staging: South Canal Street

Crow Patrol resumed tonight just after 4PM, with first stop along South Canal St. with both American and Fish Crows streaming in from the W, SW, and SE. Sunset time was at 4:27PM; weather conditions were overcast skies, wind: E 8MPH, 50F. Squadrons of Fish Crows were perched on utility wires and poles; both American and Fish crows were [...]

November 9th, 2018|

Crows staging in North Andover!

While driving south on Rt. 114 after turning off of Rt. 495, noticed streams of crows heading SE over North Andover Mall.  It was overcast skies, with wind from the E   at 8MPH, and temp at 50F. Scanned in every possible direction, and tracked the crows into Holy Sepulchre Cemetery on Waverly Road in North Andover. After driving [...]

November 9th, 2018|

Sunrise at Crow Roost!

Arrived at Duck Bridge about half hour before sunrise to observe overnight roost breaking up after first light and dispersal for day ahead.  The photo above is from the Duck Bridge looking east over the Merrimack River with spectacular morning colors! Intense vocalizing by Crows as they departed in all directions. Sunrise was at 6:27AM under clear skies, wind at [...]

November 8th, 2018|

Crow Patrol welcomes Dennis and Jamie!

Out on Crow Patrol with Dana and Bob along with Dennis Hlynsky and his wife Jamie. Dennis is a professor and head of the film and animation department at the Rhode Island School of Design. Using high-speed video cameras, Dennis captures the unusual and very dramatic aerial ballet of crows and starlings — and the interest of scientists. He [...]

November 7th, 2018|

The Roost After Dark!

With Daylight Savings Time now in force, it is usually only possible for me, to check out the roost after dark!  Tonight, with sunset at 4:31PM, made a pass by well after dark, about an hour after sunset.  It had been heavy overcast, with light rain, light wind, and temp at 52F. Walked well out onto the Duck Bridge, [...]

November 6th, 2018|
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