Crows from Pacific Mills complex!
Out on solo Crow Patrol under mostly cloudy skies, wind from south at 7MPH, temp at 53F, and sunset at 5:38PM; observed Crows from the Pacific Mills complex at 300 Canal Street, facing south and overlooking the Merrimack River with views to the west of the Casey Bridge, and then views to the S & SE towards the New Balance [...]
Crow Patrol: Lawrence Municipal Airport!
Submitted by Craig Gibson, Crow Patrol 2018 With darkening skies, storm warnings, distant lightning, and under very forboding overcast skies, wind from E at 3MPH, and temp at 56F, the Crow Patrol was out in full force last night. In an effort to search for staging locations to the east of the overnight communal roost, headed east, around 5:15PM, [...]
Crows raiding the Heavenly Donuts dumpster
The full Crow Patrol was back on duty tonight! Dana Duxbury-Fox and Bob Fox were already making initial initial sightings on the south side of the Merrimack River in the South Canal Street area. Got started at 5:15PM with a 5:57PM sunset time, under clear skies, wind from west at 10MPH, and temp at 44F. While heading to meet them, stopped [...]
Book review: In the Company of Crows and Ravens
As a follow-up to mention of Prof. John Marzluff and his terrific book, co-authored with Tony Angell, thought this might be a timely suggestion! So, for those with an interest, here is a terrific book review from Goodreads, the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love. Goodreads launched [...]
Crow Roost: aerial views
Just happened to bump into a drone enthusiast while out looking at the Crow Roost area. He offered to provide aerial photographs of the general overnight winter roost area. We met this afternoon well ahead of the arriving Crows, to do an aerial survey in an effort to better understand the overall roost area. The drone provided helpful aerial [...]
Crows and McDonalds French Fries!
Back out on Crow Patrol with Dana and Bob Fox under clear skies, wind SW at 8MPH, 55F, and sunset at 6PM. Just after 5:15PM, started out viewing a small mob of Crows on Island Street as they ripped apart a bag of french fries. The crows had located a leftover bag of fries and took turns grabbing at the [...]
Family Dynamics in a Crow’s Nest!
Just reviewed a news release from Hamilton College, located in Clinton, N.Y., on the results of a fascinating recent research project. The project was overseen by Andrea Townsend, Assistant Professor of Biology at Hamilton. Prof. Townsend and three undergraduate students "spent the summer raising and nurturing" 4 baby Crows for "research, outreach, and teaching purposes." Here are the highlights [...]
Lawrence: Mill 240 and staging Crows!
Stopped and observed Crows in staging mode starting at 5:20 pm and lasting for just over 25 minutes, under mostly sunny skies, wind from east at 7MPH, and temp at 57F. Sunset tonight at 6:45pm. The Crows were staging on west end and south side of rooftop on building under construction at 240 Canal Street; this property is known as [...]
Crows: staging O’Connell South Common
Had a very relaxing time observing the Crows while they were staging early this evening. After driving around near the intersection of South Union Street and Merrimack Street, made my way to the top of the adjacent McGovern Parking Garage, under overcast skies, wind E at 7MPH, and temp at 65F. The Senator Patricia McGovern Transportation Center opened for service [...]
Crows staging at Mill 240!
Made a visit along Merrimack St. just before 6PM looking for the crows in staging mode. Lots of crows observed swirling around over the Merrimack River and landing on the new Mill 240 building on the north side of the Merrimack River. Observations made under overcast skies, wind from NE at 7MPH, and temp at 64F. This photo show a [...]