Fish Crows and Osprey
Made a pass along Merrimack Street just before 10AM; dark overcast skies, wind from east at 7MPH, and temp at 70F. Drove east on Merrimack St. up to Casey Bridge/Parker Street intersection. In addition to one Peregrine Falcon on the Clock Tower in the distance, noticed a handful of Fish Crows loitering in the New Balance parking lot area near [...]
Fish Crows in town!
What a joy to observe a swarm of crows gathering and staging recently before sunset. It was nearing the end of a bright sunny day with mild temperatures and light winds. The crows were foraging on the grass just on the edge of the New Balance parking on Merrimack Street near the southeast corner of the Casey Bridge located at [...]
2018: In the Company of Corvids – North Cascades Institute
Post and photos submitted by Craig Gibson From June 29 through June 31, 2018, the North Cascades Institute hosted Prof. John Marzluff, from the University of Washington to share his knowledge and work on Corvids, arguably the smartest of the bird families. Marzluff, who has been teaching for the Institute for almost ten years, continually fills courses to the brim, and this [...]
2018 NCI “Crow School” – Bob Fox
Post submitted by Bob Fox with photos from Craig Gibson It was a warm, sunny mid-June day in Seattle, Washington. Residents were out in force, walking, running, cycling along streets and swimming and sailing on Lake Washington. New business buildings were rising everywhere, it is a bustling new city. Its airport is 9th in the country with much shipping [...]
Crow Patrol – April 14th
While on crow patrol last night (April 14) at 7 PM we were sitting on the south side of the Merrimack River in the Philip J. Riley Park (looking north – across the river parked along a fence) in Lawrence, MA. Slightly to our right at the beginning of the road entrance to the park, at the edge of the [...]
Crow Patrol – April 10th
For those of you that have been tracking the Greater Lawrence Winter Crow Roost, there are still crows staging and roosting in Lawrence. For the past week or so they have been staging on the North side of the Merrimack River in Lawrence mainly along Water Street. At the corner of Ames and Water Streets is an old brick building [...]
Crow Patrol – March 28th
Bob and I arrived home from a meeting in Wolfeboro, NH in time for crow patrol. What will they do next? Last night we arrived an hour before sunset (a little after 6 PM) and there were very few crows to be seen from the boathouse on Eaton St. at the crow bar and a few going in to the [...]
Crow Patrol – March 27th
It was much cooler and cloudy. The crows roosted to the east of Industrial Way and took off at 7:07 PM to roost. They flew away from us and from the boathouse we saw them headed for the church. On the other side of the river, they were scattered further west than the past two nights. Were there more of [...]
Crow Patrol – March 26th
Last night they staged in Lawrence on the SOUTH side of the Merrimack River off of Fallon St. to the east of the Eaton St. boathouse and roosted on the NORTH side of the river off of Water St. behind the Riverside Church – fitting isn’t it at Easter time?? On Sunday night they staged behind the New Balance Distribution [...]
Crow Patrol – March 23rd
That old adage “You should have seen it last night” rang out clear last night. Bob and I went out about 5:50 PM and looked out across the Merrimack River from Eaton St. in Lawrence over the gated boathouse parking lot. A few crows were moving west and a few coming in from the north headed to the south side [...]