Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Winter Crow Roost: location shift underway!

Tale of Two Roosts! Dec. 20, 2023 under clear skies, wind NW 8MPH, temp 39F; sunset time 4:13PM Out on Crow Patrol with scouting visits along Market Street with incoming Crows at sunset time. Arrived South Canal Street a few minutes later to watch early incoming flight streams from the west with growing numbers converging onto the [...]

December 20th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: 2023 Christmas Bird Count!

2023 Christmas Bird Count! Dec. 16, 2023 under clear skies, wind E at 12MPH, temp 45F; sunset time 4:12PM Out on Crow Patrol for the 2023 National Audubon Christmas Bird Count. From early scouting trips, staging Crows were seen in the extended boathouse area along the Merrimack River west of the Stone Dam, near the airport, and [...]

December 16th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: staging flight vortex!

Huge Rooftop Staging!  Dec. 12, 2023 under clear skies, wind SW 8MPH, temp 40F; sunrise time 4:10PM On Crow Patrol with first stops by airport, then baseball field at Incinerator Road while observing light incoming flight streams. While heading west on Merrimack St. observed staging Crows along Market St. around O'Connell South Common. At Market St. observed [...]

December 12th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: Norfolk, VA!

Dec. 8 at 4:10PM, sunset time 4:48PM; on Crow Patrol under clear skies, S wind at 10MPH, 54°F in Norfolk, VA. Down in Norfolk fo a visit with my brother, Dave Gibson. He had put out word in advance of my arrival that I was seeking info on the local winter Crow roost. Found staging area in Woodlawn Memorial [...]

December 10th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: exhiliarting!

Aerial views! Dec. 6, 2023: under mostly cloudy skies, wind NE 7MPH, temp 29F; sunset time 4:10PM (this will be the earliest sunset time for this winter season!) Out on Crow Patrol tonight proved to be another exhilarating experience! Our initial destination was the baseball field on Incinerator Road, where we sought out the staging Crows. A [...]

December 6th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: David Sibley!

David Sibley on the Winter Crow Roost! Dec. 1, 2023: As we start the 7th year of monitoring, documenting, and counting the Winter Crow Roost in Lawrence, we continue to receive a growing number of communications looking to know more about the roost. It is a source of great fascination and an amazing avian spectacle! This afternoon [...]

December 3rd, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: staging downriver!

Nov. 20, 2023 under clear skies, wind S 8MPH, temp 45F; sunset time 4:12PM Out on Crow Patrol with first stops by baseball field, along Merrimack Street to view buildup in staging areas. Next out onto the Duck Bridge to observe incoming flight streams downriver from the east. Image at 18 minutes after sunset time. Near the NXStage building [...]

November 30th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: flight bursts!

Nov. 26, 2023 under overcast skies, wind SSE at 4MPH with gusts, temp 41F; sunset time 4:14PM On Crow Patrol with first looks along Merrimack Street and then up to rooftop of parking garage with incoming flight streams from SE. these flight streams bypassed the B&D roof area and went on the area around the National Grid substation. Image [...]

November 26th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: leaves gone, numbers grow!

Aerial Views! Nov. 21, 2023 under mostly cloudy skies, calm wind, temp 37F; sunset time 4:17PM. Out on Crow Patrol with first looks by the airport and along Sutton Street with staging Crows seen in trees, on the ground, and in flight moving towards overnight roost. While gathering in these staging areas, the Crows are heard actively [...]

November 21st, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: leaves almost gone!

Nov. 11, 2023 under clear skies, wind N 9MPH, temp 39F; sunset 4:25PM Out on Crow Patrol with first looks from the park by the Mill240 building just after sunset time with lots of Crows in flight up and down the Merrimack River. With very clear skies, the Crows tend to converge into the roost a bit later. Flight [...]

November 12th, 2023|
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