Crow Patrol2025-01-19T23:17:03-04:00



Winter Crow Roost: Harvest Full Moon!

Harvest Full Moon! Oct. 27, 2023: clear skies, wind SW 6MPH, temp 73F; sunset time 5:44PM Out on Crow Patrol with initial scouting visits all along Merrimack Street up to, and behind Helfrich Boiler Works at 39 Merrimack St with Crows staging on the ground and in trees in rear dirt lot. Was able to share a [...]

October 31st, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: staging and converging

Aerial Views of Roost! Oct. 23, 2023: overcast skies with some breaks, wind NW 3MPH, temp 54F; sunset time 5:50PM Out on Crow Patrol up and down Merrimack Street, Pemberton Park and Mill240 complex with Crows staging and vocalizing all around but mostly within a 1/4 mile radius of the overnight roost trees; staging on the ground [...]

October 23rd, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: numbers increase

Clear skies, light wind, temp 54F; sunset time 5:56PM While returning home from Crow Patrol talk at Lakes Region Audubon in NH, made a quick stop at roost; all quiet and Crows well settled in for the night with leaves still fully on all trees; numbers continue to increase in overall roost. Note on counts/estimates: we are now using [...]

October 19th, 2023|

Crow Patrol presents to NH Audubon!

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to Jane Rice and other leaders for the wonderful opportunity to speak tonight at the Lakes Region Chapter of the New Hampshire Audubon Society's program on the Winter Crow Roost in Lawrence, MA. It was a pleasure to share my passion for this fascinating topic with such an enthusiastic audience. The event on Thursday, [...]

October 19th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: numbers growing!

Twilight Flight Bursts! Sat. Sept 30, 2023: under overcast skies, wind NE 5MPH, temp 57F; sunset time 6:28PM Out on Crow Patrol with numbers growing each week. Initial observations from parking garage rooftop with large numbers arriving and staging on B&D warehouse roof. A local helicopter made a low altitude flyby causing all the Crows to liftoff [...]

September 30th, 2023|

Crow Roost: They’re baaaaack!

Sept. 3, 2023 under partly sunny, light wind, 80F; sunset time 7:15PM First time back on Crow Patrol after summer months; smaller groups of Crows seen streaming in and gathering within 1/2 mile radius of overnight roost trees by the New Balance building. Crows seen on utility wires, rooftops, trees, and mulling around on the ground. From the top [...]

September 3rd, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: Crows off to breeding grounds!

Stunning aerial views! March 13, 2023 under heavy overcast with light rain wind E 5MPH, temp 39F, sunset time 6:48PM On Crow Patrol with a series stops up and down Prospect Street from the intersection up to the charter school parking lot with Crows staging in tree tops from end to end. Numerous flight bursts in trees [...]

March 13th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: numbers dropping!

Tree top flight bursts! March 7, 2023 under overcast, light snow, wind NW 12MPH with gusts 23MPH, temp 31F, sunset 5:41PM On Crow Patrol along lower Marston Street by the main intersection with Crows arriving much earlier than normal, about 30 minutes before sunset time, and perching in hillside tree tops. Image at 10 minutes after sunset [...]

March 7th, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: Prospect Hill views!

Prospect Hill views March 1, 2023 under overcast skies, wind SE 7MPH, temp 38F, sunset time 5:33PM On Crow Patrol with first stop around water tower on Prospect Hill to observe incoming Crows. Next stop was at the very rear of the Geisler Pool complex as endless incoming flight streams were arriving onto the tree tops around [...]

March 1st, 2023|

Winter Crow Roost: hillside aerial views

Hillside aerial views Overcast skies, wind E 6MPH, temp 31F, sunset at 5:31PM On Crow Patrol with first stops on Prospect Hill and Storrow Park to observe Crows staging and vocalizing in nearby tree tops. Moved down to lower Marston Street to observe Crows arriving into the overnight roost. The Crows initially anchored the roost in normal [...]

February 27th, 2023|
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