Crow Patrol after dark!
Despite best intentions, sometimes it's just not possible to get out on Crow Patrol until well after dark. Made [...]
Despite best intentions, sometimes it's just not possible to get out on Crow Patrol until well after dark. Made [...]
At this time of year, the truck depot parking lot along South Canal St. in Lawrence, MA provides ample [...]
Video by Dennis Hlynsky Recorded early November in Lawrence, MA at the beginning of the winter crow roost [...]
A friend with an ongoing interest in nature and landscape photography, had an opportunity to visit the extended area [...]
Set out on late afternoon Crow Patrol under mostly cloudy skies, wind: SW 12MPH, gusts 22MPH, 40F. First observations [...]
Stopped by for look at overnight roost from the Duck Bridge and then South Canal Street. Weather conditions: heavy [...]
Crow Patrol resumed tonight just after 4PM, with first stop along South Canal St. with both American and Fish [...]
While driving south on Rt. 114 after turning off of Rt. 495, noticed streams of crows heading SE over [...]
Arrived at Duck Bridge about half hour before sunrise to observe overnight roost breaking up after first light and [...]
Out on Crow Patrol with Dana and Bob along with Dennis Hlynsky and his wife Jamie. Dennis is a [...]